Laws can be complex and boring. Law firms don't have to be.
Elite Counsel was founded by Rolland C. Lequier, an established lawyer who has devoted his practice to estate planning. The grounding principle at Elite is to provide our clients with advice that helps make their lives better.
Expertise, Likeable, Insightful, Technical, Empathy = Elite Counsel
Hearts & Hammers was founded to provide renovations for locals in need with mobility challenges. There are many people in our city that live in homes that are not suited to their accessibility needs, whether it be due to illness, injury, or disability. They are dedicated to undertaking at least one major home renovation each year, as well as supporting smaller community efforts.
Hearts & Hammer look to local Calgarians to nominate their friends, family members, or neighbours who are in need. Through your nominations, we can make our city a better place to live. To donate or find out more, please click the links below. Thank you for your support!
Meet Artina, she was unable to move about her home safely but thanks to donations and a non profit organization called Hearts & Hammers she can now move about her home.